Oklahoma State SealOklahoma State Seal
Oklahoma Podiatric Medical Examiners

Search Licensees

NOTICE: This public website is designed to serve the public with their individual search for providers. It is not intended for mass harvesting of data/data mining for business purpose. All searches are monitored and any attempt of data mining will result in your IP address being blocked from accessing our server. To obtain data for business purpose use our database request form or subscribe to our subscriber services. Contact supportservices@okmedicalboard.org for more information.

Please note that we are still gathering new information about office hours, privileges and insurance, so some results may be incomplete. Disciplinary action information on this website dates back as early as 1984.

You do not need to fill out all fields.

This website and its contents are updated three times daily.
Last Update: Monday, October 21, 2024 1:22 PM CDT